The Frist Art Museum is consistently ranked as one of the most family-friendly museums in the United States. Admission for visitors ages 18 and younger is always free. We offer children and their families a fun and welcoming place to explore and make art.
The Martin ArtQuest® Gallery, Nashville’s premiere destination for creative exploration, is located on the upper level of the Frist Art Museum and access is included with museum admission. Special programs for children, families, and teens are regularly offered throughout the year, and exhibitions of artwork made by children and students may often be found in the building. See our calendar for details.

Before you go:
- Plan your visit. Check the museum’s hours, current exhibitions, and discover what special programs are offered for adults, families, children, and teens.
- Talk about some of the special rules for art museums: All visitors ages 13 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. No touching or getting too close to the artwork. Children are not allowed to push strollers or be carried on shoulders. See our FAQs for more details.
- Pack a sketch pad and a regular pencil (no pens) if you or your family members like to draw or write.
- Make a plan for lunch and snacks at the museum. Café Cheeserie is open the same hours as the museum and offers kid-friendly food options.
When you arrive:
- Please leave large bags, umbrellas, and backpacks at home or out of view in the trunk of your car. Some self-serve lockers are available adjacent to the museum’s Grand Lobby for your convenience.
- A guard will greet you at the door and will direct you to Guest Services for tickets and parking validation.
- Guest Services can assist you with most of your needs and direct you to the restrooms, the galleries, the gift shop, and spaces for special programs.
Visiting the exhibition galleries:
- You don’t need to be quiet in the galleries! We encourage talking, questions, and exploring. Use your eyes and mind, but remember: no touching the art.
- Make a game out of looking at artworks: What do you see? What do you think is happening in this artwork? What do you see that makes you say that?
- Keep young children engaged with art by counting, identifying shapes and colors, or naming animals, people, plants, or buildings.
Visiting Martin ArtQuest:
- Just like in the exhibition galleries, children ages 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times in ArtQuest.
- See the staff member at the front desk for information on how to best enjoy your visit, where to find restrooms, and where to take a gallery break or have a snack.
- ArtQuest is for all ages! The whole family is encouraged to make art together. Be sure you do not forget your artwork when it is time to leave.
Free Youth Admission Supporters