Pre-K–12 grade students in public, private, or home schools, college students, and adult groups may participate in online exhibition or architecture tours.

Curriculum Connections

School tours of selected exhibitions support Tennessee State Standards by introducing themes that are relevant to visual arts, language arts, and/or social studies curricula.

Scheduling Your Visit

The Frist Art Museum offers live (synchronous) docent-guided tours and prerecorded (asynchronous) docent-facilitated exhibition discussions.

Chaperone Requirements

All student groups must be accompanied by their teacher for the entire live (synchronous) docent-guided tour.

Live (synchronous) Docent-Guided Tour

Live (synchronous) tours are led by a Frist Art Museum docent. They offer a preview of select works in an exhibition and encourage close study and conversation. These tours are slideshow-based, and each is approximately 30 minutes long. 

Reservations are required at least four weeks in advance for groups of 8 or more. Live (synchronous) docent-guided tours are scheduled on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with your school district’s requirements and docent availability. You may ask the Frist Art Museum to host the tour on Zoom, or a Frist Art Museum docent can join a meeting on your school’s or organization’s preferred video conferencing software. Click on the appropriate link below to complete the request form to schedule a tour.

Exhibitions on view during this timeframe include:

Prerecorded (asynchronous) Docent-Facilitated Exhibition Discussion

Prerecorded (asynchronous) docent-facilitated exhibition discussions are video conversations between Frist Art Museum docents about works in select exhibitions. These discussions are approximately 15-20 minutes long. Links to the video will be sent via email.

Current options:

Contact our Engagement Administrator at

Please consider supporting the Frist Art Museum with a donation. Your gift is essential to our mission of serving the community through the arts and art access in particular. We truly appreciate your generosity.