The Frist Art Museum was pleased to present the work of 33 high school students in Young Tennessee Artists: 2010 Statewide Advanced Placement Studio Art in the Conte Community Arts Gallery. This third bi-annual exhibition showcased a selection of the finest artwork created in Advanced Placement Studio Art programs throughout Tennessee in 2010. The 40 drawings, paintings, photographs, and mixed-media works represented eleven schools and were chosen from seven hundred submissions statewide.
The College Board’s AP Studio Art program makes it possible for highly motivated high school students to participate in university-level art study. With the encouragement and guidance of committed AP teachers, these students produce work that challenges their artistic perceptions and develops their aesthetic methods, both conceptually and in terms of execution. At the end of the school year, students submited portfolios of their work to the College Board for evaluation. These evaluations enabled colleges to acknowledge and encourage student’s accomplishments by granting them credit for these courses.
This exhibition revealed the student’s execution of thoughtful portfolios through artworks that skillfully synthesize form, technique, and content.
The range and quality of work demonstrated a growing sophistication of AP Studio Art programs across the state.
This exhibition was organized by the Frist Art Museum.
Advanced Placement is a trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this exhibit.