The Frist Art Museum and the Nashville Public Library received a National Leadership Grant in 2003 from the Institute for Museum and Library Services to fund Project Access. Computer terminals in this exhibition introduced the website for the program. A special component of the site allows visitors to have works of art created in Martin ArtQuest, the Frist Art Museum’s interactive education gallery, posted on the website and to write a narrative about their work of art.

In addition to the website, the grant funds a multiple visit program for adult English Language Learners. This program introduces participants to the Frist Art Museum and Nashville Public Library and provides opportunities for participants to practice visual art and writing skills through the development of personal narratives. Computer literacy skills are also targeted in the program. Works of art created by the first group of ELL participants will also be on view during this exhibition.

Please consider supporting the Frist Art Museum with a donation. Your gift is essential to our mission of serving the community through the arts and art access in particular. We truly appreciate your generosity.